OIRFC Committee

Your Club in 2024/25

Each year at the AGM, the club elects a number of volunteers to sit on the committee. Although there was little change this year from last year’s committee, which will hopefully bring good continuity to the team, there was a change of honorary secretary. Huw “Splash” Davies steps down as secretary. He is a gentleman who has outlasted six chairmen during his tenure as secretary and helped the club progress to where it is now. Taking his place comes Oliver Peach, making 2 Peaches on the committee. Oliver brings a fresh look to the committee, and we can’t wait to see what he brings to the club’s future.

Your Committee for 2024/25:

President:  Andy Brooks

Chairman: Keith Richards

Honorary Secretary: Oliver Peach

Honorary Treasurer: Bean Mhi Peach

Club Captain: Brooke Avann

Vice Captain: Stephen Rac

Veterans Captain: Antony “Wallace” Enright

Membership: Tony Winslade

Director Of Rugby: Dan Nevison

Head Coach: Dave Samuel

Additional Members: Dan Holboj, Alastair Chamberlin, Adrian Creagh and Ian Morris